The male hormone testosterone can cause hair to grow in many unwanted places on a man’s face and body. And unsightly patches of hair can make a man feel self conscious and undermine his confidence. But, unfortunately, shaving is not only inconvenient – it also leaves prickly stubble that is back the next day! Similarly, plucking, tweezing and waxing are only temporary solutions – and all of these hair removal methods can be quite painful. Thankfully, revolutionary, painless and permanent Candela GentleMax Pro® men’s laser hair removal is now available at Skin Laser Bar in Calgary, Alberta. State-of-the-art GentleMax Pro®, is the gentlest, safest, most rapid, and most effective laser hair removal on the market today.

In addition to being faster than other hair removal systems, GentleMax Pro® technology is gentler and more comfortable than other lasers – thanks to it’s advanced, patented cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin at the treatment site to help ensure client comfort. This makes it ideal for removing hair from even the most sensitive areas of a man’s body, including delicate areas like the face, armpit or even the pubic area (including the penis or testicles).

GentleMax Pro® permanently removes hair from virtually anywhere on a man’s face or body, including: the upper lip, chin, sideburns, unibrow, arms, hands, legs, feet, toes, chest, abs, back, butt & brief area. And, unlike many other laser hair removal treatments, GentleMax Pro® is safe for all skin types and tones – including darker skin.

At Skin Laser Bar in Calgary, Alberta, laser hair removal is all we do – and every one of our technicians is a highly trained laser hair removal professional and a certified Candela practitioner. Plus, our online appointment booking makes it easy to find time in your busy schedule for state-of-the-art laser hair removal 7 days a week!

With Candela Gentle MaxPro® any man can get silky, smooth skin – and say goodbye to constant shaving, painful waxing and tweezing, and messy depilatory creams. Skin Laser Bar is one of very few practices in the greater Calgary area to offer this state-of-the-art hair reduction technology. Schedule an appointment today for men’s laser hair removal – safely, painlessly, and effectively.